During the 1970s, one could also see a "real" Swedish horror film; Calvin Floyd's Swedish-Irish co-production Victor Frankenstein (1977, released as Terror of Frankenstein in the U.S.) with Jan "Emil i bLönneberga/b" Ohlsson and Per Oscarsson b..../b The Secret (Hemligheten, Paolo Vacirca 2005) is a very low-budget, shot on video production, about four kids bvacationing/b on the island of Gotland. The main characters are supposed to be English, and the Swedish actors speak English ...
Well, tell your little imaginary sister then, Margareta, that she is welcome to go on a little bvacation/b while you need a few days to recover. And no more stupid games, understood? And then I have to put on my nightgown and go to bed - even if b..../b Men eftersom "Madicken"är titelskyddat f?r jag inte sälja en Madicken (eller en Emil i bLönneberga/b eller en liten Pippi L?ngstrump). Det är Hjelm Förlaget som äger alla rättigheter p? Astrid Lindgren eller Elsa Beskow leksaker. ...